Cinematic Book/Cinematic Short Story FAQs
Family FAQs
Virtual Pitch FAQ
- Does my pitch have to be exactly 350 words?
- Do you accept animation projects?
- Can I submit a project that is based on a true story?
- I have a manuscript, am I able to enter?
- What qualifies as an episodic series?
- Can I use images?
True Story and Public Domain FAQs
Film Fund FAQs
- Who do I address my cover letter to?
- My script is written in another language/takes place in another country. Am I still eligible?
- I have several supplemental documents but there is only an option to upload one. How do I share my other information?
- I have already shot some or all my project. Am I eligible?
- I have already shot some of my project/have a trailer. How can I submit a video?
- I have a script but have not shot any of it. Am I eligible?
Competition FAQs
- Do you offer any financial assistance/discounts?
- My story is an adaptation. May I still submit?
- Will all of your readers have access to my script?
- I updated my script. Will the reader see both versions?
- If I submit today, when will my script be read?
- What are your judges looking for in a great script?